by archlabs | Feb 18, 2014 | Printing-Tips
All FJSOA plotters are Adobe PostScript 3 compatible. Most failed plots and prints are a direct result of document format errors. These errors can be drastically reduced by simply printing to PDF first, then submitting the PDF for output. Every user should have Adobe...
by archlabs | Feb 12, 2014 | Printing-Tips
Test prints save time: Before sending the final print document, copy it and scale it down to letter size or smaller. Vector data, linked files, formatting errors, and extraneous layer information (the most likely sources of plotting problems) will be retained, but the...
by archlabs | Feb 12, 2014 | Printing-Tips
PDF versions: By far the easiest way to avoid printing problems is to save your file as Adobe PDF (*.pdf). In Photoshop save the file as a Photoshop PDF (*.PDF; *.PDP). The standard was developed specifically for exchanging print-ready documents in the graphic-arts...
by archlabs | Aug 30, 2013 | General
Vol Walker Lab Facilities: Vizlab Computer Lab Materials Library Wood Shop Media Center
by archlabs | Sep 24, 2012 | General
Here is a kitty cat.